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Become a Burger Expert
Chapter 1: Let's start at the beginning
Welcome to my course (0:50)
The best angles to photograph burgers
Is there a best lens to use?
What is focus stacking?
Chapter 2: Camera Gear
What camera gear will I need to shoot commercially? (4:16)
Chapter 3: Lighting Gear and modifiers
Let's look at the exact lighting set up for all 4 burgers
Lighting modifiers and how they shape light
What lights are best when shooting commercially? (5:13)
Chapter 4: Styling your burgers
Inside my Styling Kit (5:47)
General styling tips when styling burgers (10:11)
Chapter 5: Software
How to colour balance your images (2:35)
Lightroom vs Capture One (2:45)
How to use Live View in Capture One, and why it is so useful (2:34)
Chapter 6: The Moody Burger
Chapter Overview (0:31)
Styling the Moody Burger (6:43)
Photographing the Moody Burger (4:16)
Retouching the Moody Burger
Chapter 7: The Crispy Bacon Burger
Chapter Overview (0:40)
Styling the Crispy Bacon Burger (9:49)
Photographing the Crispy Bacon Burger (3:24)
Retouching the Crispy Bacon Burger
Chapter 8: The Crunchy Chicken Burger
Chapter Overview (0:39)
Styling the Crunchy Chicken Burger (14:59)
Photographing the Crunchy Chicken Burger (7:37)
Retouching the Crunchy Chicken Burger
Chapter 9: The Burger with the Natural Lighting Look
Chapter Overview (0:37)
Styling the Natural Lighting Look Burger (7:09)
Photographing a burger to look like daylight (9:07)
Retouching the Natural Light Burger
Chapter 10: Retouching
My retouchers details
Chapter 11: Course wrap up
Thank you! (0:16)
Photographing the Crunchy Chicken Burger
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